Uninspired and where I’ve been

This is a post to introduce me right back in the blogging world. Maybe you’ve noticed or maybe nah, but I’ve been away for the past couple of months for various reasons. It started with me feeling completely uninspired by everything I was posting at the time, by all the various project I had going on at the time. Some of them I managed to end through a post, while others I just dropped off (such as the reading challenge and the project pan posts) and never looked back. It stopped feeling good for me to post so I stopped doing it.

I also went through a phase where if things felt difficult to me I’d stop doing them as to preserve the small amount of energy I had left. Fortunately, I had to face this and find solutions recently, which brought me back that feeling of “I can accomplish anything I set my mind to”.

I had an amazingly difficult year where I conquered such huge goals of mine, and while I am proud of myself (not as much as I should be, but oh well), I have to acknowledge the fact that it had a huge toll on me, emotionally and physically. It was impossible for me to keep going at the rate that I was, so I had to cut some things out. Which meant reading, writing (& blogging) and working out. I’m slowly reintroducing them all back in my life, now that everything is taken care of.

I don’t want to go on about this more than necessary. The point is that I’m back and I’ll try my best to come up with more interesting concepts and posts and for now there will be no promise of schedules and consistency other than… an amazing collab that will take place all throughout the month of November with my amazing friend from the blogging world, Selena Hannah. She has an amazing blog where she talks about more than just beauty and she is amazing overall so I highly recommend you check out her blog. We plan to do “A Month of Tags”  where each Monday in November we post a themed tag. I won’t say much more about it, I’ll let you discover it with each tag.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the reason I started this blog was to share my passion with beauty things and to make friends and I can finally say I accomplished that through my friendship with Hannah.

Cheers to us making a come back on this blog and fingers crossed it works out. Don’t forget to tune in Mondays at 10 EST for our amazing Month of Tags. Kisses! ❤

4 thoughts on “Uninspired and where I’ve been

  1. I’m sorry you have had such a difficult year, but I am super excited about our collab. You have to do what makes you happy and brings you joy. I love making friends across the world and share our passions together. We may never get really big or popular but that’s not the point. We blog for fun as a hobby. I’ve always said when it stops being fun that I’d take a break and I have taken a few breaks from my blog. We all need to recharge every once in a while.

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    1. It was a difficult year, but it all paid off in the end. Our collab will be the best thing ever!
      Sometimes, getting big is a sure recipe for taking all the fun out of it. I always thought that once you make something a job, once you impose rules and have expectations (especially of a financial nature) from a hobby, it’s no longer something you do for fun, it becomes a responsibility. I think it is obvious especially when you look at the big youtubers (I don’t know how it is for bloggers), but oh my, do the big youtubers seem to wither away with each day because of haters and trying to please everybody and being the target of all the drama channels and so much more. You’re right, getting big is not the point. Making friendships across the world sure is. ❤

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      1. YES! Someone else FINALLY said it! lol. I imagine that it is the same for big bloggers since some Youtubers are bloggers as well. I prefer the blogging format, because I love writing. Youtube is very creative if you know how to edit and everything. I have zero skills in that department. Everything is a straight shoot for me. I’d love to make writing my full time career. That would be fun.

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      2. Could I be your editor? I love writing as well, but what I love most is “nitpicking” someone else’s writing and helping them improve the way they bring their point/story across to the reader. Whenever I read a book that’s what I do. I must have been an editor in a past life, it just feels like something I could be really good at.
        I think the editing part for the youtube videos is fun if you take the time to learn all the tricks, but then I do not feel attracted to the idea of being in front of a camera. Imagine watching yourself talk for hours while editing videos, that part would make me go crazy. Also that market is over saturated at this point because a lot of people want to be “influencers”. That’s why a year and a half ago I felt like blogging is more my speed. And I still feel that way.


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